All on 4 at Younes Dental Clinic, Lebanon

All on 4 at Younes Dental Clinic, Lebanon

What is the All-On-4 treatment concept?

The All-On-4 treatment concept is a cost-efficient solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the same day of surgery.

Oral rehabilitation with an immediate outcome!

All on 4 is procedure offer edentulous patients (and those with failing dentition) the ability to have an oral rehabilitation and to have an immediate outcome ! This way overcomes many of the frustrations and limitations of traditional dental implant treatment planning, surgical methodologies and postoperative failures.
Is advanced technique whereby a whole arch up to 12 teeth is supported by only 4 implants. This concept can be used in either the upper or lower (or both) jaw is support immediate fixed replacement teeth that look, feel and function very similar to natural teeth in one day.

Advantages of All-on-4

Full arch With just 4 Implants

Robust and functional

Graftless procedure

The Bone Grafting is placed utilizing available bone.

Immediate Function

For patients who need immediate loading of implants.

Advantages of getting All-On-4 treatment at Younes Dental Clinic

World-Class Clinic

With thousands of patients visiting from the US, Canada, EU, MENA and Australia.

Digital In-House Lab

Our digital in-house lab is specialized in full arch prosthesis and can provide amazing results using CAD/CAM technology and our Zir-Arch technique.

Latest Technologies

All our surgeries are digitally planned and placed using the latest dental software and 3D technology to provide the highest level of accuracy and success rate.

Experienced Surgeons

We have great experience with these surgeries, performing over 100 full arch surgeries each year.

Budget Accessible to All

Budget for all cases and simplified treatment plan with successful results.

Specialized in Complex Cases

We have great experience with complex cases since we utilize the latest medical technology and advanced surgical techniques achieving predictable results.

Friendly Team

Our friendly and competent team have great experience, since we do this surgery on a daily basis.

Top Brands and Materials

We only use top brands to insure highest quality material.

Guarantee & Warranty

We are committed to our patients and finding them the best dental solution that will last a lifetime.

Who can get All-On-4?

This treatment is recommended for patients with Dentures, or who are planning their failing teeth to be removed and replaced with implants, or have missing teeth. The All-on-4 treatment offers a stable, long-term, alternative to traditional dentures.

This procedure is not recommended for

  • Diabetics with uncontrolled diabetes
  • Patients undergoing radio or chemotherapy
  • Patients taking bisphosphonate therapy
  • Patients who have had heart surgery in the past 6 month

All On 4 Restorative Options

We offer Zirconia permanent restoration options for your All on 4 procedure and one temporary restoration, while most clinics offer just one Acrylic restoration. Find out the benefits of each type below.

All on 4 results at Younes Dental Clinic

Almira L. Before & After

Almira L. Before & After

39, Philippines

After many years of failed dental treatments, this patient needed a solution to restore her smile and her confidence.

Procedure Plan

First Visit: Consultation

Consultation with our dental specialists

  • Oral and systemic health assessment
  • Facial aesthetic evaluation
  • X-Rays, Panoramic, 3D CBCT Scan (full in-house equipment for this treatment)

Diagnosis & Planning

  • Our specialists always plan these cases with the most advanced implant planning software
  • Surgical Guide 3D printed in-office
  • Medication prescribed (antibiotics and sometimes sedatives)

Second Visit: Operation

Surgical Steps

  • Tooth extraction
  • Alveoloplasty and Alveolectomy: bone leveling removal of infected tissue or when ridge crest is displayed during smiling
  • Implant placement using guided surgery
  • Bone grafting (socket grafting, with autograft and synthetic alternatives, with or without membrane)
  • Suture

Temporary Prosthesis

  • Digital impressions are taken and sent to the lab
  • Design – according to patient face and bite
  • Fabricating the arch using 3D printing or milling from acrylic

Postoperative Instructions

  • Instructions for oral hygiene, diet (soft diet, for at least 10 weeks) and medication (antibiotics, analgesic drugs)
  • Informing about the need to make an appointment if bleeding, pain, implant mobility, detachment or damage of the prosthesis occur

Definition Prosthesis, after 4-6 months

  • Final Digital impressions are taken and sent to the lab
  • Final Design – teeth shape, size and dental arch length (number of teeth, usually 12 per arch)
  • Fabricating the arch using our ZirArch technology
  • We’ll remove the temporary teeth, and replace them with zirconia teeth utilizing our Zir-arch technology

How much does All-On-4 treatment cost?

The price does not determine the quality of the treatment, the cost of all-on-4 dental implants is the same for everyone, but there may be a slight price variation depending on whether there are extractions, bone loss, infections, and restoration options.

Cost per Arch


Surgical Phase Cost

Implant Placement And Temporary Prosthesis


Restorative Phase Cost

ZirArch Full arch final zirconia restoration after 6 months

Some cases may require teeth extraction and bone augmentation (prices will vary case to case) or special types of implants.
The final price is determined on a case by case basis.


At Younes Dental Clinic, patients are our number one priority. That's why we invest in the latest technologies, training and staying up to date.We also help patients make an informed decision, by providing them with all the information needed for each treatment.

We are more than happy to discuss the best treatment to help patients achieve their desired outcomes.

Implants are like real teeth and require commitment, our instructions and advice must be followed to maintain best results, always brush and clean after each meal.

Frequently Asked Questions

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