Our Technologies

State of the Art Technology

we strive to always invest in, learn, and utilize the most advanced dental techniques and technologies. We believe it is our responsibility to provide patients with the latest dental technology to help them achieve their goals. With new technology, we can often perform many dental procedures more effectively, reducing treatment and recovery time, minimizing side effects, and ultimately achieving more precise results.

If you have any questions about the technology we use at our practice, or if you are interested in scheduling a consultation with one of our dentists, please contact us.

Trios intraoral scanner

The TRIOS scanner is a state-of-the-art intraoral scanning device that replaces the need for traditional messy impressions. This handheld, wand-like device uses advanced optical technology to capture highly detailed, 3D images of the patient’s teeth and surrounding oral structures.

With the TRIOS scanner, we can swiftly and comfortably scan the patient’s entire oral cavity, capturing precise digital impressions in real-time. The process is non-invasive and eliminates the discomfort often associated with traditional impressions, making it ideal for patients, including those with gag reflexes or sensitivity.

The digital impressions obtained by the TRIOS scanner are incredibly accurate, capturing even the smallest details of the teeth, gums, and bite. This accuracy ensures precise treatment planning and the fabrication of custom-made restorations that fit seamlessly and comfortably within the patient’s mouth.

The digital impressions can be instantly transferred to computer software, where our dental professionals can analyze and manipulate the digital models to plan treatments, design restorations, and simulate desired smile transformations. This streamlined digital workflow enables efficient collaboration between the dental team and the patient, ensuring optimal communication and a greater understanding of treatment options.

The use of the TRIOS scanner enhances the patient experience by reducing chairside time, as digital impressions are quickly captured without the need for additional appointments. It also enables faster turnaround times for the fabrication of dental restorations, allowing patients to enjoy their new smiles sooner.

At Younes Dental Clinic, we are committed to incorporating the latest technologies to provide our patients with the most comfortable, efficient, and accurate dental care. The TRIOS scanner exemplifies our dedication to delivering high-quality treatment outcomes while prioritizing patient comfort and satisfaction.


At Younes Dental Clinic, we employ the latest CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology to revolutionize the way we design and fabricate dental restorations, ensuring precision, efficiency, and patient satisfaction.

CAD/CAM technology allows us to create highly accurate and custom-made dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, veneers, and dental implant restorations, with remarkable precision and efficiency. Through advanced digital scanning, we capture detailed 3D images of the patient’s teeth and gums, eliminating the need for messy traditional impressions.

With the digital data obtained from the scan, our skilled dental team utilizes state-of-the-art CAD software to design the restorations with meticulous attention to detail. This digital design process ensures precise fit, optimal aesthetics, and functional harmony with the patient’s natural dentition.

Once the design is finalized, the CAD/CAM technology seamlessly transitions to the CAM phase. Our advanced milling machine or 3D printer then fabricates the restoration from high-quality dental materials, such as ceramic or composite resin. This process delivers exceptional accuracy, consistency, and efficiency, often within a single visit, reducing the need for multiple appointments and temporary restorations.

The use of CAD/CAM technology offers numerous benefits to our patients. It allows for enhanced customization, as restorations can be tailored to each individual’s unique dental anatomy and aesthetic preferences. The digital workflow also promotes faster turnaround times, minimizing chairside wait times and ensuring prompt delivery of high-quality restorations.

Moreover, CAD/CAM restorations exhibit exceptional precision and fit, promoting long-term durability and patient comfort. The digital workflow enables us to achieve precise occlusion, proper contours, and ideal alignment, resulting in restorations that blend seamlessly with the patient’s natural teeth.

At Younes Dental Clinic, our commitment to utilizing CAD/CAM technology reflects our dedication to providing our patients with the highest level of care. By harnessing the power of digital dentistry, we deliver precise, aesthetic, and long-lasting dental restorations that restore smiles and improve oral health with unmatched precision and efficiency.

3D Xray

Also Known as CBCT (Cone Beam Computer Tomography) provides very detailed, high-resolution, 3D Xray images of the mouth, jaw, and face—including bone density, blood vessels, and nerves. This powerful diagnostic technology is useful in many aspects of dental care, including general dentistry, periodontics, reconstructive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and oral surgery. The CBCT system displays aspects of your oral anatomy that normal x-rays can’t show, and that allows our dentists to more accurately make a diagnosis and to create a more effective treatment plan. This technology is also useful in detecting early signs of oral health problems, so that they can be addressed before becoming serious.

At Younes Dental, we use this technology to safely place implants with full guidance, diagnose unexplained pain, evaluate for disease, and image the teeth of children who may otherwise struggle with traditional x-rays.

Guided Surgery and Digital Implant Planning

Guided Surgery involves the use of computer-guided software and 3D imaging technology to meticulously plan the implant placement process. Through this digital approach, we can accurately assess the patient’s oral anatomy, determine the optimal position for the implants, and create a detailed surgical guide.

With Digital Implant Planning, we can visualize the entire treatment process virtually before any surgical intervention takes place. This allows us to consider factors such as bone density, neighboring teeth, and aesthetics, ensuring the best possible outcome for each patient. By planning the procedure digitally, we can anticipate and address any potential challenges, resulting in a smoother and more successful implant placement.

These advanced techniques offer numerous benefits, including increased precision, reduced surgery time, minimized risk of complications, and enhanced patient comfort. The surgical guides provide a clear roadmap for our skilled dental professionals, ensuring precise implant positioning and improved long-term results.

At Younes Dental Clinic, we are committed to utilizing the latest advancements in implant dentistry to deliver exceptional care to our patients. With Guided Surgery and Digital Implant Planning, we strive to provide a seamless and predictable implant experience, ultimately restoring smiles and improving oral health with optimal precision and efficiency.

3D face scanning and Digital Smile Design

At Younes Dental Clinic, we embrace the innovative Digital Smile Design (DSD) approach, enhanced by the use of a cutting-edge 3D face scanner, to transform our patients’ smiles with unparalleled precision and customization.

Through the integration of advanced technology, our team can capture a detailed 3D image of the patient’s face, allowing us to analyze facial proportions, symmetry, and individual features. This comprehensive understanding of the patient’s unique facial characteristics serves as a foundation for creating a personalized treatment plan.

With the DSD process, we can digitally simulate the desired smile transformation, considering factors such as tooth shape, color, alignment, and gum aesthetics. By visualizing the anticipated results, patients can actively participate in the smile design process, providing valuable input and ensuring their satisfaction with the final outcome.

The 3D face scanner enables us to precisely analyze the interaction between the teeth, lips, and surrounding facial structures. This information helps us develop a comprehensive treatment plan that goes beyond just improving the appearance of the teeth but also considers the overall facial harmony and balance.

With the aid of digital technology, we can communicate the proposed smile design to our patients, enabling them to visualize and understand the expected results before any treatment begins. This ensures a collaborative and transparent approach, where patients can make informed decisions about their smile transformation.

At Younes Dental Clinic, we are committed to leveraging the power of Digital Smile Design and the accuracy of 3D face scanning to create stunning, natural-looking smiles that enhance facial aesthetics and boost our patients’ confidence. Our skilled team utilizes these cutting-edge tools to deliver personalized, precise, and satisfying outcomes, revolutionizing the way smiles are designed and created.

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